Nonetheless, European standards body revised the wireless standard and insists its integrity remains sound.
Read moreThe potential nominee is coming in with a model resume and background in cyberspace, as well as strong political support from the Hill.
Read moreRussia Sends Cybersecurity CEO to Jail for 14 Years
July 27 2023The Russian government today handed down a treason conviction and 14-year prison sentence on Iyla Sachkov, the former founder and CEO of one of Russia's largest cybersecurity firms. Sachkov,...
Read moreHackers have three key pathways — the OS, apps, and malware — for leveraging the popular home fitness equipment as initial access for data compromise, ransomware, and more
Read moreKubernetes and the Software Supply Chain
July 26 2023Trusted content is paramount in securing the supply chain.
Read moreBy integrating XDR and SIEM, security professionals can automate correlation and prioritization of alerts across a broad swath of security infrastructure.
Read moreThe deal is expected to give the French vendor a larger presence in the application and API security markets, as well as in North America.
Read moreBackdoor in TETRA Police Radios
July 26 2023Seems that there is a deliberate backdoor in the twenty-year-old TErrestrial Trunked RAdio (TETRA) standard used by police forces around the world.
The European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI), an...
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You need to turn on a special setting to stop (the code you wrote to stop [the code you wrote to improve performance] from reducing performance) from reducing security.
Read moreResearchers this month uncovered a two-year-old Linux-based remote access trojan dubbed AVrecon that enslaves Internet routers into botnet that bilks online advertisers and performs password-spraying attacks. Now new findings...
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