5 ways cybersecurity awareness trainings can strengthen your organization

5 ways cybersecurity awareness trainings can strengthen your organization

According to an InfoScales report, 95% of successful cyberattacks have human error as the leading cause – most notably company employees falling for phishing scams. This is an important observation as cybersecurity efforts often intuitively focus largely on strengthening the technical controls in an organization to prevent data leakage, willful exfiltration and systems intrusion, for example.

The fact that human error, rather social engineering, is a major component leveraged by attackers in carrying out a successful breach signifies that employees’ careful attitude towards handling data and computer systems is prudent to ensuring the organization’s success with regards to security.

Here are the five ways in which your organization can realize the benefits of implementing a hands-on information security awareness program for non-technical and technical employees alike.

1. Deter phishing and vishing attacks by a massive amount

No matter how strong your organization’s security controls, firewalls and email endpoint scanners are, the efforts won’t go far if an unsuspecting employee clicks on a malicious link in an email and enters their credentials on a phishing page, effectively enabling an attacker to “hijack” the corporate systems with the same privileges as the employee’s. A hands-on program training employees to be able to distinguish legitimate emails and phone calls from suspicious ones, such as a call from the “CEO” asking for a highly sensitive payroll spreadsheet of all employees, can better equip employees to handle unexpected situations and requests to which they may otherwise fall prey out of hesitation.

Technical solutions offered by third parties exist, for example in the form of Microsoft Outlook integrated plugins which let employees report a suspicious looking email directly to the company’s “phishing mailbox” for review by internal security personnel. If done properly even by one vigilant employee, the 24/7 Security Operations Center (SOC) unit of an organization can immediately “pull” every such copy of the suspicious email from mailboxes of all other employees before they even get to it in the morning.

With a comprehensive hands-on training, the high probability of an employee reporting a phishing email greatly supersedes the risk of even one naïve employee falling for it.

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