The state of digital transformation in 2020

The state of digital transformation in 2020

The past year has seen many businesses question exactly how transformational digital transformation really is. The answer, as with all IT initiatives, depends on the scope of the ambition, the skill of the leadership, and the ultimate degree of business impact.

Yet we’ve seen a pattern emerge: Those with transformational aspirations discover that boil-the-ocean schemes seldom meet their objectives, while carefully planned and targeted initiatives often have broader benefit than even the original instigators imagined.

The latter is particularly true of initiatives that reform fundamental processes. Transformation usually implies moving from one fixed state to another, yet digital transformation at its best involves a journey from inflexibility to a “permanently agile” condition. Getting there may involve the adoption of new programming, infrastructure, or internet-of-things advances. The biggest rewards, however, accrue from reimagining workflows to accommodate continuous change and establishing mechanisms that continuously measure results.

In an effort to examine the state of digital transformation from every angle, we’ve pulled together all five IDG B2B web publications – CIO, Computerworld, CSO, InfoWorld, and Network World – to reassess this long-running megatrend, with each article reflecting the charter of each site.

Senior Writer Clint Boulton, whose insightful case studies are a CIO staple, has contributed 6 digital transformation success stories, which summarize strategic efforts and transformational benefits at such marquee companies as Anheuser-Busch, McKesson, and Johnson Controls. If you didn’t know that the brewers of Budweiser had an innovation lab in Silicon Valley that involves AI, machine learning, and the internet of things, well, now you do.

Computerworld Senior Reporter Matthew Finnegan brings us Making the connection: The role of collaboration apps in digital transformation, which describes how collaborative platforms break down silos that block meaningful organizational change. The connections Finnegan describes amount to the front end of transformation, where new interactions and broad participation create a breeding ground for innovative ideas.

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