Problems with Georgia’s Voter Registration Portal
August 7 2024It’s possible to cancel other people’s voter registrations:
On Friday, four days after Georgia Democrats began warning that bad actors could abuse the state’s new online portal for canceling voter registrations, the Secretary of State’s Office acknowledged to ProPublica that it had identified multiple such attempts…
…the portal suffered at least two security glitches that briefly exposed voters’ dates of birth, the last four digits of their Social Security numbers and their full driver’s license numbers—the exact information needed to cancel others’ voter registrations.
I get that this is a hard problem to solve. We want the portal to be easy for people to use—even non-tech-savvy people—and hard for fraudsters to abuse, and it turns out to be impossible to do both without an overarching digital identity infrastructure. But Georgia is making it easy to abuse.
EDITED TO ADD (8/14): There was another issue with the portal, making it easy to request cancellation of any Georgian’s registration. The elections director said that cancellations submitted this way wouldn’t have been processed because they didn’t have all the necessary information, which I guess is probably true, but it shows just how sloppy the coding is.